ZMF Verite Closed LTD Cocobolo

ZMF Verite Closed LTD Cocobolo


Vérité [veri’tā] is a term often used in film and television as a style that emphasizes reality, naturalism, and a sense of truth.

The Vérité closed headphone creates a wider/deeper sound than traditional closed-back headphones with our unique damping system and acoustic design, while retaining all the characteristics owners love from the Vérité Open.

Utilizing airflow porting for the construction of three-dimensional soundscapes of the acoustic image, our designs provide a natural, deep, and rounded stage without accentuating any single dimension. Enjoy your own personal audio Vérité.

This batch of Cocobolo is sustainably harvested to promote the continuance of beautiful species of wood like Cocobolo. Predominantly this batch of wood is brick red, but with some sets that are darker brown and lighter orange, as natural variance is normal within Cocobolo. We finish these with a gloss lacquer to highlight the depth of color that Cocobolo possesses.

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